Use these tools as a way to learn more about yourself and to help determine what occupations and work environments may be better suited for you. Also find out what types of activities and subjects interest you. Assessments may give you suggestions and ideas for things you have not considered and may warrant further investigation. These tools may point you to possible career options however, they are only one part of career exploration and planning. You may want to gather a lot of information and take multiple types of assessments before making any major career or educational decisions. Taking several tests may also give you some indication of the validity of each one you take. If several tools give similar results, chances are it is something worthy of further exploration. Finally, as things in your life change and you gain more education, work experience, or skills, remember that your assessment outcomes may also change as a result.
There are many online assessment instruments available at no charge or for a fee. These select links are offered solely as a service. The reliability and validity of the "results" of each of these tools is entirely dependent upon how honest one is when completing them. There are no “right” or “wrong” answers. The results do not necessarily indicate the "right" careers for you. Other things such as work and family values, labor market information, work history, experience, education, and personal preference must also be taken into consideration with the results of these instruments. Trust your intuition when it comes to results. If you do not feel a suggested occupation suits you, feel free to disregard it.
O*NET Interest Profiler™
Discover the type of work activities and occupations you may like and find exciting. Respond to 180 work activities by selecting either like, dislike, or unsure. The tool measures six types of occupational interests that can be further explored. View a demo or download the paper version of the instrument and related materials in PDF files for “Desktop” viewing or printing or PDF “Printshop” files for use with professional printing equipment. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required for these downloads.
O*NET Computerized Interest Profiler™
Download the software and User’s Guide to the Interest Profiler so it can be administered by computer instead of using the pencil and paper version.
Skills Exploration
Use Career One Stop’s skills exploration tools to explore how your skills relate to different careers. There are three tools available to help you assess your current skills. Use the Skills Matcher to rate your levels on 40 key workplace skills and get a list of careers that match your ratings. Use mySkills, myFuture, to enter your current or previous job title and get a list of career matches that use similar skills. If you are veteran use the Veterans Job Matcher to enter your military job and identify civilian careers that could be a good match for your military skills.
Work Values
O*NET Work Importance Locator™
Pinpoint what is important to you in a job. Sort 20 cards describing aspects of work into four columns based on how important those aspects are to you in an “ideal job”. The tool measures six types of work values and helps identify occupations that may be satisfying to you based on your work values and characteristics of the occupations. View a demo or download the paper version of the instrument and related materials in PDF files for “Desktop” viewing or printing or PDF “Printshop” files for use with professional printing equipment. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required for these downloads.
O*NET Computerized Work Importance Profiler™
Download the software and User’s Guide to the O*NET Work Importance Locator™ so it can be administered by computer instead of using the pencil and paper version.
Quick Work Preference Inventory
Clarify what you value in terms of work style by completing this inventory. This information can help you make more fulfilling and rewarding career and employment decisions. Within a four column chart, select the option that fits you the closest as you complete the phrase, “I like work assignments which enable me to. ”.
Jung Typology Tests
Use this personality test to measure your personality against four categories. This is similar to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. The inventory includes 72 questions. Upon completion of the questionnaire, you will obtain a 4-letter formula type. There are 16 personality types according to Carl Jung’s and Isabel Briggs Myers’ typology. Discover careers and occupations most suitable for the assigned personality type, along with examples of educational institutions where you can obtain a relevant degree or training.
Riso-Hudson Enneagram Type Indicator (RHETI) Sample
Use this sample of the full Riso-Hudson Enneagram Type Indicator to determine your Enneagram type. The Enneagram is a personality typing tool that describes human personality into nine types related to each other. Answer 38 questions (the full test has 144) by selecting the answer that applies to you. While there is no guarantee, your highest score can indicate your basic type, or it is likely to be among the top 2-3 scores. The purpose of the Enneagram Personality Test is to assist in the process of self-awareness and personal growth.