TED Talks : The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking

Chris Anderson is the curator of phenomenally successful TED talks - over one billion views and counting. He is passionate about the importance of public speaking, something he describes an a crucial life skill and which we should be teaching in school, and of the amazing power of direct human-to-human communication, recorded on video, in the internet age. It is now possible to share ideas with millions around the world (as evidenced by the success of TED itself, whose most popular talk has been viewed 31 million times).

In his first book, Talk This Way, he shares his passion for public speaking and offers a master-class in how to do it - not just how to give a great TED talk, but how to stand up and speak persuasively in front of any size of audience, whether that is a school classroom, making a video blog, in a business meeting or at a conference.

The book brings together his experience of over two decades as the curator of TED, in which time he has listened to over one thousand stage talks, with advice from 30 of his all-time favourite TED speakers.