Tax Accountant demographics and statistics in the US
Tax accountant demographics research summary. Zippia estimates tax accountant demographics and statistics in the United States by using a database of 30 million profiles. Our tax accountant estimates are verified against BLS, Census, and current job openings data for accuracy. Zippia's data science team found the following key facts about tax accountants after extensive research and analysis:
- There are over 510,739 tax accountants currently employed in the United States.
- 52.7% of all tax accountants are women, while 47.3% are men.
- The average tax accountant age is 43 years old.
- The most common ethnicity of tax accountants is White (61.4%), followed by Asian (15.5%), Hispanic or Latino (10.5%) and Black or African American (8.2%).
- Tax accountants are most in-demand in New York, NY.
- New York, NY pays an annual average wage of $78,454, the highest in the US.
- In 2022, women tax accountants earned 95% of what men earned.
- District of Columbia is the best state for tax accountants to live.
- Tax accountants are 50% more likely to work at public companies in comparison to private companies.
On This Page
- Gender
- Race
- Age
- Education
- Statistics
Tax Accountant gender ratio
Male - 47% Female - 53%
See All Gender Info
Tax Accountant racial demographics
White - 61.4% Asian - 15.5%
See All Race Info
Average tax accountant age
See All Age Info
Average tax accountant salary
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Tax Accountant gender statistics
52.7% of tax accountants are women and 47.3% of tax accountants are men.
Tax Accountant gender ratio
Gender | Percentages |
Female | 52.7% |
Male | 47.3% |
Tax Accountant gender pay gap
Women earn 95¢ for every $1 earned by men
Male Income
Female Income
Tax Accountant gender ratio over time
This data breaks down the percentage of men and women in tax accountant positions over time. Currently, 52.7% of tax accountants are female.