Communication, B.A.

The communication major is designed to provide broad-based competencies in oral and written communication, critical analysis of human discourse, and social scientific and humanistic research methods. The major also emphasizes how this theoretical knowledge is applied in specific contexts ranging from personal relationships to business management to public advocacy.

Major Requirements (42 units)

Fundamental Communication Processes and Skills (6 units)

Select two from

Core Competencies (12 units)

Personal and Professional Communication (18 units)

Select a minimum of two courses in each area

Personal and Relational Settings:

Advocacy in Public Settings:

Organizational and Professional Settings:

Electives in Major (6 units)

Select an additional 6 units of upper-division communication coursework.

Other Degree Requirements

In addition to the major program requirements, every student must also complete the University’s baccalaureate degree requirements such as:

A full description of the University’s graduation requirements can be found in the Baccalaureate Degree Requirements .

Total Units: 120*

*General Education, MI, and Upper-division Writing courses can be double counted with major requirements (see note 1). See advisor for details.

Advising Notes

  1. The 6 units of COMM 3 , COMM 5 , COMM 7 and/or COMM 8 may be applied to fulfill General Education Foundation A1 and A3 requirements.
  2. No more than 3 units from COMM 15 and 6 units from COMM 115 can count toward fulfillment of the communication major. No more than 3 units from COMM 115 can be applied to the Advocacy in Public Settings Area.
  3. CR/NC grading is not permitted in the communication major with the exception of COMM 179I (Internship).
  4. No more than 6 units of COMM 179I (Internship) may be applied toward completion of the communication major.
  5. Students are allowed only 3 units of COMM 190 and no more than 6 units toward the baccalaureate degree.
  6. A grade of C or better is required in COMM 100 , COMM 140 , COMM 142 , and COMM 166 to fulfill the core competencies requirement.