Army ROTC Disenrollment Process

The Army ROTC Disenrollment Process is governed by AR 145-1, USACC Pamphlet 145-4, and AR 15-6.

A Cadet most commonly faces the Army ROTC Disenrollment Process for the following reasons:

With a few exceptions, a Cadet cannot be disenrolled without an Army ROTC Disenrollment Board. The Board typically consists of either one or three Commissioned Officers. There must be at least one Field Grade Officer on the Board. The Army ROTC Disenrollment Board acts as the jury and will, typically, make findings and recommendations on the following issues:

During the Army ROTC Disenrollment Process, including at the Board, a Cadet has to represent him/herself. However, a Military Lawyer can be present and assist the Cadet in question. The lawyer is not allowed to talk or advocate to the Board; however, he/she can prepare the Cadet before and advise him/her during. A Cadet has the following rights at an Army ROTC Disenrollment Board:

A prosecutor (JAG), may, or may not, be present to advocate against the Cadet in question. When this happens, the Cadet is put in a further position of disadvantage.

An Army ROTC Disenrollment Board is typically a one-day hearing. Sometimes, the Board will deliberate on-the-spot and render a decision that day. Other times, the Board will take days to deliberate and render written findings and recommendations. Said findings and recommendations will be provided to the PMS, or higher appointing authority. The PMS, or higher appointing authority, then either approves or disapproves each of the Board's findings and recommendations, and explains any non-concurrence.

At this point, the Cadet will be provided the Board's Findings and Recommendations and the appointing authority's approval/disapproval. The Cadet will have the opportunity to provide a rebuttal, within 10 working days. The PMS, or higher appointing authority, will then review the Cadet's rebuttal and provide a final recommendation to the approval authority. The approval authority for an Army ROTC Disenrollment Board for non-scholarship Cadets is the Brigade Commander; for scholarship Cadets, it is the CG of ROTCCC. The CG's decision is the final step in the Army ROTC Disenrollment Process. UPDATE: On 28 April 2023, AR 145-1, and therefore the Army ROTC Disenrollment Process, was updated to include new appellate rights. Essentially, Cadets who have been disenrolled by the CG can appeal that decision thru the CG of USACC to the Secretary of the Army, who can approve/disapprove the disenrollment, approve/disapprove a call to active duty, or approve/disapprove/modify any recoupment ordered.

The Board's findings and recommendations, along with any recommendations post-board, are not binding on the approval authority. Regardless, a positive outcome at a Board is a huge victory for the Cadet in question and is more likely to result in a favorable outcome.

Any Cadet facing the Army ROTC Disenrollment Process should immediately consult an experienced Military Lawyer. It is unlikely that a JAG will be available to assist. Furthermore, both U.S. Army Trial Defense Services (TDS) and Legal Assistance do not typically deal with the Army ROTC Disenrollment Process, and are likely very inexperienced in this area even if they do.

As mentioned above, Cadets can be represented by Civilian Counsel during the entire Army ROTC Disenrollment Process (from initiation of any investigation until final action). Said Counsel can advise during any investigation, collect evidence, prepare witnesses, create a trial plan (voir dire, cross examination, opening statement, witness questions, testimony, closing argument, etc.), assist the Cadet at the Board with physical presence, and advocate after the Board, if necessary.

Quality legal representation during the Army ROTC Disenrollment Process can make all the difference. As the phrase goes, anyone who represents themselves has a fool for a client.

This Article was written by Attorney Matthew Barry, a West Point Graduate, Iraq/Afghanistan War Veteran, former Company Commander, former JAG Officer, and retired Army Major.